By Joanne Moudy
As the curtains draw back on the opening scene from Macbeth, thunder and lightning erupt casting a wildly eerie glow over center stage. Through the stormy mist, three gnarly witches can be seen cackling over a huge black caldron while they stir their deadly brew. Vapors spill forth from the boiling potion while the three hags utter their evil spells.
Even after 400 years, Shakespeare nailed it. Then as now, corrupt politicians use whatever it takes – like black magic (or presidential mandates) to control the lives of others and manipulate political power to change destiny.
Nowhere is this more glaringly obvious than among the radical feminists in leadership. While they may not actually be hovering over a steaming caldron, there is no doubt they stir a nasty brew. So witch which three are the ringleaders?
With such a litany of women pushing the progressive, socialist agenda, it is difficult to narrow down the focus to only three. But alas, in this brief essay the light must be directed to those most likely to cause irreparable damage.
Enter stage left: Hillary, Pelosi, and Sinema.
le the names Hillary and Pelosi are recognizable and easily associated with black pantsuits, shape-shifter makeovers, erased memories, radical progressivism, uncontrollable debt, amoral judgment, unaccountable twisted logic, and (my favorite) ‘avoid like the plague,’ many may not be acquainted with Kyrsten Sinema.
A proud atheist and self-coined “Prada Socialist,” Sinema believes in the elitist philosophy of “I can run your life better than you can,” attitude. Such a proud atheist is she, that she insisted on being sworn into the U.S. Congress in 2012 without a Bible. Too bad there wasn’t a dead toad handy.
As the one-term, democratic incumbent from Arizona CD-9, she’s already made a solid name for herself as a rising defender of absolute governmental control. Watch out America, this new ‘gang member’ is ready to suck your savings dry and monitor your every move.
Like so many other progressive liberals, Sinema began her career as a humble college student, pulled a brief stint as a social worker and then went right back to school to earn her law degree, much of it on Uncle Sam’s nickel. After that it was an easy road for the self-proclaimed ‘bisexual’ to become a progressive grass-roots organizer, complete with an anti-family, anti-God, pro-abortionist attitude.
Now in the national spotlight she’s tried hard to remake herself and erase the past, but honestly, some things are just hard to live down.
In the early 2000’s she organized for Arizona Alliance for Peace and Justice (AAPJ), a group dedicated to denouncing and destroying Israel and supporting the radical extremists in Palestine. After the 9/11/01 terrorist attack, Sinema was quick to denounce any military response by the U.S. as “an inappropriate response to terrorism” and she joined with the AAPJ in advocating non-violent measures to bring Osama bin Laden to justice.
Following her radical anti-war era, Sinema penned a letter to the editor of the Arizona Republic entitled “Capitalism Damaging,” dated February 22, 2002 wherein she clearly expressed her views on economic freedom:
“A huge dollar bill is the most accurate way to teach children the real motto of the United States: In the Almighty Dollar We Trust…Until the average American realizes that capitalism damages her livelihood while augmenting the livelihoods of the wealthy, the Almighty Dollar will continue to rule. It certainly is not ruling in our favor.”
Regarding traditional family values: In 2006 Sinema issued a stunning proclamation to the nightlife magazine ‘944’ where she blurted out, (content warning):
“These women who act like staying at home, leeching off their husbands or boyfriends, and just cashing the checks is some sort of feminism because they’re choosing to live that life. … That’s bullshit. I mean, what the fuck are we really talking about here?”
In the same interview she also said she thought conservatives were “Neanderthals.” Thank goodness for archives.
That same year she gave a speech where she said voters “would remove overweight white men” in preference to people more like her. Like so many other memorable moments, that haunting declaration of self-evident truth will live on immemorial.
When the liberal opportunity of a lifetime came knocking in 2008, Sinema had to straighten herself up a bit to shake off the pointy black hat. As an Obama surrogate, she was selected to attend the Democratic National Convention and subsequently made over two-dozen visits to the White House (according to visitor logs) during the healthcare proceedings. So influential was Sinema in the process, that she was appointed to the official White House Health Reform Task Force, which ultimately gave us the train wreck known as Obamacare.
But the makeover didn’t last, because according to The Washington Free Beacon, in 2009 Sinema continued her banal rants at a local townhall where she told attendees the only way to achieve great healthcare was through “higher taxes.”
I guess she’s never heard of the free market and a good jobs . . . Never mind. The “Prada Socialist” obviously knows best.
At the same meeting she also said she had no idea why she was on the President’s Task Force. (We had no idea either. But then again, Obama frequently acts irrationally).
It was no wonder that immediately after getting elected to congress in 2012, Sinema jumped on the bandwagon to support Obamacare and all the side ailments it brings, and helped to shove it down America’s, tax-burdened throat.
Sinema has often compared Obamacare’s magnificence to the VA system . . . and we all know how well that’s working out.
Speaking of the VA, the recent scandal in Arizona prompted the distraught Sinema to send out an email to district constituents expressing her disappointment at the local Veterans Administration. Wait for it . . .
Although she declared it was horrible that 40 veterans had died – (and suffered at the hands of lazy, incompetent, government bureaucrats she wants to continue funding) – she also blinked and asked for campaign contributions at the bottom of the message. Nice.
Some bad habits just die hard, Kyrsten.
As for my other two top picks for center stage witchcraft, there isn’t much left to say. Between the Hillary’s “Sex, Lies, and ‘What difference does it make,’” and Pelosi’s “Well, um, uh, um, uh, ‘You’ll just have to wait until we pass it – to see all the good stuff that’s in it,’” I’m sure you all know enough to make up your own minds about who’s stirring the pot in Washington.