Most disturbing is David Brooks recent syndicated column entitled: “No, Not Trump, Not Ever”. In view of the terrorist action in Brussels and an overwhelming vote for Trump in Arizona, Brooks is out of step with real people. Brooks is a Pinocchio puppet of the Republican establishment who only want to rule and do not give a damn about our nation.
Brooks has a very long nose in his editorials that should warn every reader of how ignorant he is. His column assumes that Trump’s decision to run for President was done with: “Less preparation than most would undertake to buy a sofa.” This is a intolerable statement by David Brooks that provides no facts to verify his opinion.
Listening to Donald Trump’s speech at the AIPAC would dispel any thought that Trump has: “No realistic policies, no advisors, no capacity to learn.” David Brooks and many other right-wing columnists are incompetent, with no ability as reporters to tell the true messages that Donald Trump brings to the public. David Brooks uses his column as his soap-box with no intention of providing any veracity about Trump.
As an enlisted Veteran of WWII, with two tours in the Navy Amphibians to the South Pacific, I will never forget the atrocities of the Japanese and the Nazi’s 70 years ago. Even in those years, columnists tried to defame General Patton who knew how overcome the Nazi’s and WIN with the lowest casualty rate in the U.S. Army.
Today our news reporters overlooked what the Muslims did to our U.S. Army soldiers who were on board helicopters and shot down in Somalia. Reporters forget that Muslims killed over 3,000 people from hijacked U.S. passenger aircraft flown into the New York City Twin Towers. Reporters ignore the murder that the Muslims committed in San Bernardino, CA. Reporters assume that what happened in Paris and just occurred in Brussels is not a warning to us.
For David Brooks and his cronies to speculate who can best lead our nation in our war against the Muslim ISIS is senseless. They allege that Donald Trump cannot beat more of the same, reduce our 19 trillion debt, and overcome the Democratic Party top running candidate, Hillary Clinton.
The Jeb Bush coalition of political losers to stop Trump is a national disgrace that seeks to stop a leader who is a vote getter. This coalition is a non-productive bunch of whiners who use other people’s money from their rulers who are Lobbyists. Pious alarmists, who for political correctness, want to tie the hands of our intelligence agencies who must defeat a Muslim ISIS. An ISIS nation that makes a public demonstration on television of mass beheadings of their victims. We are in the midst of WWIII, which is unconventional warfare that exports violence to our nation.
Freedom of speech carries with it a vital responsibility. Not to present unfounded speculations, assumptions, or allegations as fact on what they predict a candidate will do in the future.
It is the voters at the General election who will decide who will be our next President. What drives this election to President is the great public anger of the non-performance of our career politicians. Their inability to provide leadership in terms of debt free prosperity with an economy that provides everyone an opportunity to succeed if they work for it.
Our war against Muslim ISIS should not be distorted to a political war against the voters choice to elect Donald Trump. It is absurd to speculate on who can beat Hillary Clinton. For our GOP to succeed, one must recognize that the voters are in favor to have a successful businessman try his hand as President. We as a people are sick and tired of the non-performing, pie in the sky, politicians. Who we elect should be someone like Donald Trump who knows we are at war with the Muslim ISIS.
What super-natural power does David Brooks have to reliably predict how Donald Trump will perform as our next President or win enough votes from the Independents to beat Hillary Clinton?
It is time for the so-called editorialists to listen to the wisdom of the public. The public that has paid their dues with service to our country and as business people who have had to meet the payroll and pay their taxes. The real enemy is the “Press”. We are in need of a “truthful” press that does not use the freedom of speech to distort and disguise the truth with the end-goal of hi-jacking Trump into his candidacy for President.
David Brooks bears false witness against Donald Trump. Trump is sounding the alarm of a need to make American GREAT once again. David Brooks and his followers are killing America with the minutia fed to the media.
Donald Trump is not the enemy!
Every time you see an article that is anti-Trump with false statements, write a letter to the editor and point out the falsehood. We as an American public have the right for free speech. To stop the war on Trump, every false statement made by his opponents, needs to be publicized.
David V.