J.O. Combs Middle School Science Fair

Throughout the second semester, Combs Middle School eighth grade students have had the opportunity to create their own science project. This project allowed students to explore their science curiosities as they have worked through their project in developing an experiment based on a set of observations. Top projects were chosen to be on display for the middle school Science Fair, which took place on May 16.

The following students received recognition at the fair:

  • Caroline Wu won 1st Place for her project Test Tunes
  • Brianne Harris won 2nd Place for her project Stop Treating Soil Like Dirt, and
  • Jaden Bernhardt won 3rd Place for her project Eggstraordinary

Mark Mauro, Principal said,  “Congratulations to the students for their success on their special project for the Science Fair!”


Combs Middle Schooleighth grade studentsJ.O. CombsMiddle SchoolScience Fairscience project.second semester