Requiem For A Legacy

What will President Obama’s legacy be? How will history judge him? How will Obama’s successor judge him?

Obama’s successor will inherit a flawed and too expensive Obamacare forced on the American people by a single political party; a surviving ISIS/ISIL given birth by Obama’s withdrawal from Iraq; a continuing war in Afghanistan that has lasted fourteen years, longer than any war in American history; a failed nuclear agreement with Iran; a resurgent, militant Russia causing an expansion of NATO; an increasingly belligerent China intent on rezoning the South Pacific; a Radical Democrat war on cops; and a doubling of our national debt in eight years: Obama has done more economic harm to the United States than all previous presidents combined.

And as horrible as the mess Obama leaves his successor, Obama’s biggest failure is worsening race relations. Obama, as America’s first black president, had a singular opportunity to improve race relations but he squandered it.

Obama’s own Justice Department reported in March 2015 that black and Hispanic police officers were far more likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than white officers. This fact destroys the lies of Black Lives Matter.

Blacks represent 13% of our population yet over 6,000 blacks die of homicides each year: more than white and Hispanic homicide victims combined. Why? Blacks commit homicide at eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined while blacks are dying of homicide at a rate six times higher than whites and Hispanics combined. This fact destroys the lies of Black Lives Matter.

Heather Mac Donald, author of “The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe,” found that over the last decade, black males, who represent 6% of the population, make up 40% of all cop killers. According to MacDonald, a police officer is eighteen and one-half times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is likely to be killed by a police officer. This fact destroys the lies of Black Lives Matter.

Yet, President Obama welcomed Black Lives Matters’ founders to the White House to praise their efforts and “talk” about race not once but at least twice. Obama endorsed Black Lives Matter over local police.

In July 2009, President Obama failed in the incident where a Harvard black professor, Henry L. Gates, Jr., was arrested. Before Obama had any of the facts he accused the Cambridge police of acting stupidly, when in fact, it was Obama who acted stupidly. Obama’s gaffe led to the so-called beer summit

The 2012 Trayvon Martin case is a stark example of the Obama administration poisoning race relations. Martin attacked Zimmerman, who shot Martin in self-defense. Martin, a muscular, large eighteen-year old thug was pictured in the media as a sweet twelve year-old. The Obama Justice Department’s Community Relations Service unit was sent to Florida with an anti-Zimmerman agenda, attempting to pre-frame the verdict. It failed.

Months later, in a speech to an NAACP convention, following Zimmerman’s acquittal, Eric Holder, the first black attorney general, held up Martin’s death as an example of unequal treatment of blacks by police. Note: how is this an example of unequal treatment of blacks by police? The police were not present at the time of the shooting. Zimmerman was arrested and tried. Zimmerman was acquitted. Holder’s comments were a lie and directly contributed to the anti-cop war we currently see in this country.

Then Ferguson happened in 2014. Again, the Obama administration took a false narrative (‘hands up don’t shoot”) and expanded upon it. Michael Brown had just committed a strong arm robbery of a convenience store. When the officer confronted Brown, Brown attacked the officer, attempting to take the officer’s weapon. Brown started walking away, then turned and rushed at the officer, again attacking him. Again, the Justice Department attempted to jerry-rig the verdict before trial. It failed. But the attempt poisoned the waters again.

When the Baltimore riots erupted, Obama’s public statement was, “Since Ferguson and the task force that we put together, we have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African American, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions.” The problem for Obama was that Trayvon Martin was the attacker; Michael Brown was the attacker. In the case of Freddie Gray, not one police officer has been convicted. The prosecution’s case has been gutted. Again, Obama poisoned the waters.

A mid-2013 poll conducted by Hart Research Associations and Public Opinion Strategies, as reported in the Daily Caller, found that public attitudes about race have plummeted since 2009. Only 52% of whites and 38% of blacks have a favorable opinion of race relations, a significant drop since Obama’s first term when 79% of whites and 63% of blacks had a favorable view of race relations.

In a 2015 Rasmussen poll, only 20% of likely U.S. voters believed that President Obama had brought Americans of differing races closer; 46% think Obama has driven those of different races farther apart.

The Radical Democrat socialist attacks of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Bill De Blasio, all anti-police race hustlers, have alienated police departments and emboldened black terrorist groups like Black Lives Matter. Barack Obama and company have praised and endorsed this terrorist group. To Obama, racism only has a white face, yet black racism is palpable, as we saw in Dallas.

Now we have incidents in Dallas, Phoenix, and other large cities that are killing and injuring police officers. The Ferguson effect is real as are the bodies of five police officers in Dallas. The Obama administration has created and nurtured this atmosphere of hate and it has created the war on cops.

A July 2016 New York Times/CBS poll found that, now, fully 69% of Americans say race relations are generally bad. Obama’s legacy on race relations, affected by his own racial animus, is a dismal failure.