Our mainstream media anti-Trump posture is to derail and impeach our President, by breaking our laws. This is a form of treason. This anti-Trump ideology has been promoted by a minority of elite liberals. This infection has seduced some politicians of both political parties and even some advisors in the White House. There are many examples of anti-Trump treasonous activity, starting with sanctuary cities and states that violate federal law, down to White House cabinet member advisors who politically oppose the President’s Executive Orders. Lost is loyalty to our President because of an inherent belief that it is acceptable conduct not to support our President’s decisions. The cause of this lack of national unity is a hateful dislike of President Trump by vocal elitists. This unauthorized license projects on national image that our country is without will and wanders aimlessly with no acceptance of direction from our political leadership or laws. We have too many loose cannons that cause foreign competitor countries to assume they can impose their goals on us without any push-back.
It appears to me that the anti-Trump impeachment of our Presidency centers around Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s questionable investigation that now requests all of President Trump’s business correspondence with Russia long before he decided to run for President. What is most bothersome is that Mr. Mueller fails to address the obvious treasonous misconduct with Russia by the previous administration. His failure to investigate could change his marching orders to establish if the Trump political administration had any collusion with Russia. The issues that he should be investigating are:
1. The sale of 20% of our uranium to Russia by the Obama Administration
2. The Clinton Foundation, a family owned not-for-profit foundation with assets of several hundred million dollars that accepted multi-million dollar donations by foreign governments including Russia.
3. Enormous fees provided for speeches given by ex-President Bill Clinton in Russia and other countries
4. Violation of U.S. Government and State Department security laws by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that allowed hostile nations to hack into her communications
5. Explain why Robert Mueller accepted the Special Counsel position when, due to his previous positions and business associates, he was in full conflict of interest
Robert Mueller needs to be deposed and required to answer in detail the above five questions and establish why he has not pursued an investigation of the obvious criminal activity of the Democratic Party Administration’s purchase of a false dossier on President-Elect Trump. This review should also put Democratic Senator “Shiftless” Schiff under oath and require verifiable proof on statements he made concerning President Trumps collaboration with the Russians.
It is time that our country comes together and rejects the dissentions that focus on removing President Trump from office. There are bigger problems that need to be addressed. Our country is in grave danger from cyber-attacks from hostile countries that would be able to disrupt our electric power distribution, water and transportation systems in time of war. It is not enough to just complain and evoke sanctions for such activities of hostile nations. What enterprise and our Defense Department need to do is develop fire walls and anti-hacking systems that can identify and derail these cyber-attacks.
The activities of our most notable loose cannons including Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, and childish Senators like Paul Rand from Kentucky and Jeff Flake of Arizona need to be publically ridiculed for their stupidity. These dissentious participants attempt to seek fame in the cloudy area of acceptable treason.