Cleaning Day For McSally: Sunday’s Comic

Ward Calls Flake An “Embarrassment,” McSally “Worse”

On Thursday, Dr. Kelli Ward launched an ad comparing Rep. Martha McSally to the highly unpopular Sen. Jeff Flake. “Jeff Flake is an embarrassment to Arizona and Martha McSally is proving to be even worse,” claims Ward in the ad.

Ward’s ad debuted on the James T. Harris radio show on KFYI in Phoenix.

Ward and McSally are in the Republican Primary battle for Flake’s Senate seat. Flake did not have enough support to keep his Senate seat and announced that he would not run earlier this year.

Since then, Flake has been a loud and vocal critic of President Trump. Unlike Flake, McSally’s view of Trump and his policies are unclear. McSally must run to the right in the primary. As a result, her team appears to be scrubbing evidence of her previous progressive positions.

According to CNN, McSally’s office removed from public view a video on YouTube of her defending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA.

McSally has been fairly masterful at creating her public personae….

To read more — Ward Calls Flake An “Embarrassment,” McSally “Worse” — click here

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