#Metoo Death Star: Sunday’s Comic

Don’t forget – Feinstein has a history of attacking faithful Catholics…. is this attack on Kavanaugh just the latest anti-faithful attack?

Feinstein’s Anti-Catholic Questions Are an Outrage

Senator Dianne Feinstein owes a public apology to judicial nominee Amy Coney Barrett — and an explanation to all Americans who condemn religious bias. During Barrett’s confirmation hearings last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Feinstein, the California Democrat, insinuated an anti-Catholic stereotype that goes back at least 150 years in the U.S. — that Catholics are unable to separate church and state because they place their religious allegiances before their oath to the Constitution.

If a Catholic senator had asked a Jewish nominee whether she would put Israel before the U.S., or if a white senator had asked a black nominee if she could be an objective judge given her background, liberals would be screaming bloody murder. Feinstein’s line of questioning, which was taken up by other committee Democrats, is no less an expression of prejudice…

To read more — Feinstein’s Anti-Catholic Questions Are an Outrage — click here