Memorial Day Meal Will Cost You More This Year

hot dog grill

It is going to cost you more to host a Memorial Day barbecue for your families and friends, as the cost of ingredients for summertime meals has skyrocketed.

The cost of condiments like ketchup and mustard is escalating faster than heartburn after consuming bratwurst.

Across the country, inflation is forcing Americans to pay an average of more than 10 percent this year than they did last summer for everything from ground beef, hot dogs, and buns. Pickle relish, ketchup and mustard costs are through the roof, according to Datasembly, an organization that  measures weekly price changes.

In 2023, according to data collected by Datasembly from more than 150,000 stores across the U.S., the decline in beef prices caused the overall costs of backyard celebrations to be slightly lower than this year.

With beef prices currently up almost 15%, combined with the 31.1 percent increase in the price of pickle relish (49 percent) and other condiments (26.4 percent), struggling Americans could be forced to make difficult choices in 2024.

In Arizona the average prices of all groceries are up 31.7 percent, snacks are up 28.6 percent, bakery items are up 24.1 percent, beverage items are up 31.1 percent, baby food is 32.1 percent, baby formula is up 37.9 percent, fruits and vegetables are up 38.1 percent, and cereal is up 28.6 percent.

Depending on where you live in the U.S., a 32-ounce bottle of Heinz Organic Tomato Ketchup can run upwards of $10 with an average price around the U.S. of $7.66, according to Datasembly.

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  1. Stolen elections have consequences. Responding to the article.
    Many thanks to those Veterans that served. We all owe them a great deal more than what this current admin is doing to our Republic.

  2. It all started on Day One when Biden canceled Keystone. It’s been one disaster after another ever since.

  3. so this memorial day – like many others – I remember Combat Medic
    Sgt. Masashi (Shorty) Nakakima
    KIA Lam Son 719 – Feb 27th 1971 at the Laos / Viet border / Lao Bao – ground attack.
    A very good medic – 24th Corp. Artillery “Dusters” B-Btry. 1/44th

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