Lake To Dodge Clean Elections Debate, Lamb To Go It Alone

lamb lake
Mark Lamb | Kari Lake

​Kari Lake was outraged when the frontrunner in the 2022 gubernatorial race, now-Governor Katie Hobbs, refused to debate her, but she has changed her tune and is refusing to debate her challenger in the 2024 US Senate race.

As a result, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mark Lamb will participate in the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections debate in spite of his Lake’s refusal to join him on stage. The event will take place on June 26, 2024, beginning at 6:00 p.m. PST and be live streamed by multiple Arizona media outlets. No audience will be in attendance.

Lamb will be the sole candidate on stage, providing a unique opportunity for voters to hear directly from him on critical issues facing Arizona and the nation. The debate will be moderated, with a series of questions sourced from the virtual audience. This format aims to address the concerns and interests of the Arizona electorate, ensuring a comprehensive discussion on topics that matter most to the community, according to the Citizens Clean Elections Commission.

The event will be live streamed on the Clean Elections YouTube Channel, and other media outlets, ensuring maximum viewership for Arizona voters.

“Arizona voters have consistently asked when there will be a Republican debate. I have accepted every debate invitation, and I am honored to attend the Clean Elections debate and speak to my experience and skills that I will bring to the U.S. Senate, ” said Lamb.

“Debates are a vital part of the election process,” said Lamb. “I am going to respect the voters and honor my commitment to debate even if I have to stand alone on that stage. Voters deserve to see and hear from those who seek to represent them.”

Recent polling shows Lake has cut into the lead held by Democrat frontrunner Ruben Gallego.

Gallego’s advantage persists in spite of updated Arizona voter registration numbers which show the Republican Party dominating the state. However, it appears that Lake is benefitting from the increasing popularity of President Trump.

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  1. This was a big fail by Lake and will most certainly help Lamb. He’ll have the spotlight all to himself; any pol loves that! Will check the replay to see how he does.
    While The Sheriff is a very pleasant man, I can’t see much that he’s done re the border mess. As Sheriff he IS the authority in Pinal County, but I began calling him the “soundbite Sheriff”, after 1) seeing all his videos about the border mess featuring lots of talk, and 2) seeing him pretty much do nothing with the power he has. That, along with his statement saying he saw no proven fraud in the last “election” tells me all I need to know.
    As for me, at this point I’m not sure I’ll vote; after all, noting’s really changed here > seems to me it’ll just be a ‘selection’, once again….

  2. Mark Lamb has Honor and Integrity! Lake called him a Coward! Lake has no right to call ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT cowards! Sheriff Lamb has the experience with large budgets and critical issues! Lake just doesn’t have the knowledge or experience necessary! Voting Lamb!

    • He was a coward on election integrity, that’s what she said and it’s true. Doesn’t matter, he has zero chance and has foolishly ruined any political career by being anti-MAGA

  3. I think she is just intimidated by someone who is smarter that her and has more integrity.

  4. What was Lake’s reason for not attending?? Funny how the article chose to leave that out?
    This website has been trending very RINO.

  5. Debate is indeed a vital part of the election process, I’ll be voting for Mark Lamb.

    • I agree without her at the debate and her calling Lamb a coward has just furthered my resolve to vote for him instead of her no matter how much I like her.

  6. I like Kari Lake but there’s something shifty about her. Declining to debate solidifies my sentiment. I’m voting for Lamb.

    • It’s obvious there’s a group of butthurt Lamb shills here. Stop being anti-MAGA and Save America

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