Richer’s Reasoning: Sunday’s Comic

stephen richer comic

Few people believe that Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer is capable of deep introspection, BUT if he were… He might arrive at that conclusion…

Richer Claims Maricopa County Recorder’s Office Is Cursed

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer will not get the second term he’d hoped for, despite his staunch defense of the 2020 and 2022 elections and faulty Arizona elections systems.

Richer conceded defeat on Wednesday to his challenger, Representative Justin Heap. In his concession remarks, Richer included a warning to his potential successor: that the recorder’s office is “cursed,” not unlike the Defense Against the Dark Arts course from the popular fictional series Harry Potter.

Back in February when Heap announced his campaign, Richer expressed confidence in his ability to defend his seat…

READ MORE — Richer Claims Maricopa County Recorder’s Office Is Cursed >>>

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