Hobbs Accused Of Acting In Bad Faith With Gila Bend Groundwater Plan

Governor Katie Hobbs

Republican lawmakers and leaders of the Town of Gila Bend are accusing Gov. Katie Hobbs of not working with them in good faith on issues related to the Gila Bend Groundwater Basin.

The Hobbs Administration, through the Director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR), is advocating for designating the Gila Bend Groundwater Basin as an Active Management Area (AMA), according to experts.  Should the Director act unilaterally, the plan will significantly impact generations of present and future Gila Bend residents.

The Town was unaware that ADWR Director Buschatkze was considering designating the Basin as an AMA until shortly before a January 30, 2024 meeting. ADWR chose to call this meeting an Informal Meeting, which allowed them to not have to notify the Town of Gila Bend.

The ADWR Director’s decision to unilaterally initiate an AMA to cover the Basin would be without historical precedent because, since the inception of the 1980 Arizona Groundwater Management Act over forty years ago, an ADWR Director has never unilaterally imposed an AMA on a local community.

“Gila Bend is a small, rural, low-income community that is approximately 75% Latino. San Lucy District, of the Tohono O’odham Nation, is adjacent to Gila Bend. This lack of transparency is disrespectful and unacceptable to our community. This heavy-handed approach is simply unfair,” say Town leaders in a press release. “Moving to an AMA, the most stringent form of regulation, without proper notice and communication, runs counter to Governor Hobb’s platform of diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

Last October, Arizona State Senator Sine Kerr and Arizona Farm Bureau President Stefanie Smallhouse resigned from Hobbs’ water policy council in October in protest, claiming rural voices were not being taken seriously.

Hobbs’ move prompted Patricia Riggs, wife of Gila Bend Council member and former Mayor Chris Riggs, to announce her candidacy for the LD23 State Senate seat, currently held by Democrat Brian Fernandez.

Patricia Riggs was born and raised in Gila Bend and was elected to the Gila Bend Unified School District in 2011, where she served as a member, clerk and president.

“As my youngest son was nearing his graduation, I decided I wanted to find a new passion —  something I could dedicate my time to. Having run many activities for the school over the years I went to work as the Recreation Coordinator for the Town of Gila Bend part time. This still allowed me to be involved with the school. Within a short period, I was moved from part time to full time and eventually promoted to Parks and Recreation Manager where I have been able to improve community resources for the enjoyment of others,” says Riggs.

“Over the years I’ve sat and watched the struggles our community has faced, and enough is enough,” says Riggs. “Due to recent concerns my community has faced especially with the current AMA issue involving the Gila River Basin, I’ve made the decision to get more active. Which is why I have come to the decision of running for the LD23 State Senate seat. People need to have the right to run the direction of their own lives.”


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