Peoria Residents Are Looking Forward to a New School Board President

heather rooks
Peoria Unified School Board member Heather Rooks.

Conservatives and common sense residents in the Peoria Unified School District (PUSD) have a majority on the governing board! Shout out and thanks to Jeff Tobey and Janelle Bowles for stepping up to lead the community.

Since Peoria finally elected a slate (the RINOs got Rebecca Proudfit; conservatives got Tobey and Bowles), you’d think the powers that be would stop trying to manipulate and control the district. Nope. Before the election results were finalized—and it appeared Proudfit and former leftist board member David Sandoval were no longer in power—I heard rumblings of local leaders attempting to undermine the majority vote.

I initially exposed these shenanigans on my Substack entitled “Beware of Tainted Golden Tickets.” The post details how LD27 Chair Carol Ayotte and former LD28 Chair Lori Bango—along with their proxy minions—led their PCs to endorse a liberal (Proudfit). It’s come to my attention that certain community leaders are involved in another shadow campaign to appoint a board president who will work in opposition to current board member Heather Rooks.

No one on the PUSD school board has worked harder than Rooks to support students, families, and teachers. Rooks has not compromised her position on parental involvement, quality education, or fiscal responsibility. She’s also taken the most hits for boldly exercising her First Amendment rights. Understandably, this is a threat and an offense to those who don’t believe in God or the U.S. Constitution. Thus, it appears her fatal flaw—from a Democrat and fake Republican perspective—is that she cannot be controlled.

I wonder exactly what’s going through the minds of “Republicans” who want to silence one of Arizona’s strongest school board candidates. Why do these bozos want true conservatives to care about Democrats/liberals feelings?

When did it become our responsibility to “be nice” and avoid offending those who call us “racist” and “transphobic”? This whole scenario reminds me of a cinematic idiom that asks: “Why worry about snakes in the garden when you’ve got spiders in your bed?”

This may sound like a rhetorical question. But the main issue plaguing true conservatives today is not leftists/Democrats—it’s all the morally compromised, bad actors with an “R” behind their name looking to capitalize on personal gains and party interests. As for me, I will remain a Rooks supporter. I offer no apologies for standing with her and her constituents on legitimate conservative values. If the truth is offensive, then I say: let the truth offend. Truth has the power to set people free.

When Rooks was elected to the PUSD school board, her bid for the presidency was voted down in favor of her taking the clerk position. Surprisingly, it was Peoria Education Association President Trina Berg who stated:

“Having been a president of an organization before—having to have some type of background knowledge, how things work, that in depth knowledge—it’s really difficult to be elected and then immediately go right into a leadership position like that…I actually fully support Rooks [for the clerk position]. I think you should be in a leadership position.”

Nevertheless, when Proudfit was newly appointed by the corrupt former Maricopa County Superintendent Steve Watson, she was immediately nominated for board president by Sandoval. This decision led PUSD further in the wrong direction for an entire year. Thus, Berg’s words ring true.

If you go back and listen to public comments during the January 12, 2023, and January 11, 2024, school board meetings, you will hear the majority of PUSD community members speaking in favor of Rooks for president. You will witness the same on January 9, 2025, with the exception of those who want her and the district to fail. Only those with an ulterior motive are working to undermine the last two years of Rooks’ community service.

While RINOs are catering to their morally inept counterparts, PUSD’s current policies, curriculum, and predators on the payroll are corrupting the next generation. There’s serious business that needs to be taken care of in this district. Parents and taxpayers don’t have time for hidden agendas and backstabbing community leaders. So, I’ll state it more matter-of-factly:

We the People of Peoria Unified School District challenged authority, investigated, and asked questions. We rejected that gaslighting proposition from LD27 and LD28 executive members. We will do it again in 2026. Duly elected officials are not beholden to sleazy factions that have infiltrated the grassroots movement. Truly, every political activist attempting to thwart the will of Peoria voters should reconsider their position before they’re exposed (again).

Listen as Rooks explains why she’s the right person to lead PUSD’s governing board:

“I’ve been pretty clear that I’m all in for the parents and their children in the Peoria Unified School District. I have built relationships…with teachers, with different staff members, [and] they have entrusted me with the daily concerns that they see. My focus for Peoria Unified is on the students’ academic needs…advocating for their safety, communicating with our parents…and being a voice for the community.

“I have never wavered from who I am and what my values are and what I ran on. And I’m not going to step away from those values because that’s what I ran on when people elected me into this seat.” — PUSD Board Member Heather Rooks

Let’s all look forward to throwing our full support behind Heather Rooks for PUSD board president on January 9, 2025.

Tiffany Benson is the Founder of Restore Parental Rights in Education. Her commentaries on education, politics, and Christian faith can be viewed at and

About Tiffany Benson 3 Articles
Tiffany is the Founder of Restore Parental Rights in Education, a grassroots advocate for families, educators, and school board members. For nearly two decades, Tiffany’s creative writing pursuits have surpassed most interests as she continues to contribute to her blog She encourages everyday citizens to take an active role in defending and preserving American values for future generations.

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