Arizona leaders are praising a ruling by a federal judge striking down proposed Biden administration changes to Title IX.
Arizona Senate Republicans applauded Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti for his work leading to the federal court blocking what they say is the “unlawful” rule change.
“This is a big victory for the women and girls who’ve had athletic and educational opportunities stripped from them at the hands of biological males posing as females, but there is still much more work to be done,” said Arizona State Senator Sine Kerr. “While Governor Hobbs vetoed last year the Arizona Women’s Bill of Rights, Senate Republicans have vowed to continue to push legislation that safeguards women and girls on the playing field, in their bathrooms, their locker rooms, and anywhere else carved out specifically for them. Our daughters, granddaughters, nieces, and neighbors deserve to feel safe and supported, and it is our duty as elected officials to ensure their protection.”
Last April, the Biden Administration announced the rule change redefining “sex” in Title IX to include “gender identity.” This rule required schools to allow boys and men in girls’ and women’s private spaces like restrooms and locker rooms, on their female-only sports teams, and to disregard other sex-based protections created for the safety, security, and well-being of biological females within federal law.
Arizona’s Attorney General Mayes, a democrat, refused to take action while Skrmetti lead a coalition of states in a legal fight against the rule change.
Now, the federal court has invalidated the rule, making it unenforceable and reinstated the protections of Title IX for women and girls across the country.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne called the ruling “sensible” and one that “protects the dignity of girls and women competing in interscholastic sports. It is also a victory for common sense and free speech.”
Last summer, Horne issued a letter to schools urging them to get legal advice before implementing the proposed new regulations. He cited a Louisiana federal court ruling that outlined how the proposal “…requires students to be allowed access to bathrooms and locker rooms based on the gender identity [chosen, not at birth] requires schools to use whatever pronouns the student requests; and imposes additional requirements that will result in substantial costs to the school.” Today’s ruling striking down the changes noted that the proposed requirement regarding use of pronouns violates free speech.
“In the past I’ve been asked by districts, as a policy matter, about their consideration of rules, permitting biological boys who have male genitalia being allowed in girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers,” Horne added. “My response was that there should be unisex bathrooms available, and if there was no room for them, the faculty bathroom should be used for that purpose. That would preserve the dignity of biological boys who identify as girls. But if they were allowed in girls’ facilities, I thought parents might well remove the girls from the school and send them to another district, charter school, or private school. So, this rule could have significantly injured public education and today’s judicial decision is a victory for common sense and free speech.”
“We are grateful for the conservative attorneys general nationwide who are working tirelessly to protect women and girls from bigger, stronger boys and men, while the radical Left continues to ignore not only science, but common sense,” said Senate President Warren Petersen. “Women and girls are fighting an uphill battle as progressives try to undo the protections created for them, including Arizona’s Save Women’s Sports Act, which the Republican-led Arizona Legislature is currently litigating while Arizona’s own Attorney General refuses to do so.”
What could be the issue with letting these guys in? Its not like they will be there like in the one prison a few weeks ago where one of these ‘he she its’ brutalized and actual female he was locked up with. The prisons have been allowed to put these together with actual women, they should be locked up with their declared ‘female’ friends only IMO. Some years ago there was on tv a case of a ‘female’ killing a guy who discovered the actual facts on gender. The guy was convicted and sent to prison and ended up dead after being brutalized by the male prisoners, so I guess this really needs to be looked at and like sports teams they need to develope separate events and prisons for these guys dont cha think?
Just say no to every kind of perversion.
here’s idea
if trans wants to enter womens area – then women should get shears out and when exposed they cut it off
How we ever got to the point that anyone – who isn’t an out-and-out pervert – could argue that cross-dressing men should compete with women and invade female-only spaces is unbelievable.
No doubt cross-dressers and the identity-confused have always been with us and always will be, but that doesn’t mean we have to put our daughters, sisters, mothers, and wives at risk to accommodate the mental an emotional challenges of the abnormal, and practically illicit the abuse of muculent knaves who would take advantage of modish moral vacuity.
Frankly, I blame the feminine propensity to mollycoddle for this situation. Sorry to put the blame on you ladies, but too often you do things to your own detriment in order not to offend people who don’t care one wit for your wellbeing.
Horne is such a fool.
Now, the federal court has invalidated the rule, making it unenforceable and reinstated the protections of Title IX for women and girls across the country.
As a father of 3 girls HOOOORAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!
Jess – go play with yourself