Ever the master negotiator, creative practitioner of art-of-the-possible, and all-around disciple of distraction, Donald J. Trump, may have just concluded a deal with his most dangerous & powerful adversary; the US Deep-State.
Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Trumpster let the news fly that he fully expected Europe to buy American natural gas, or they too, could look forward to some serious tariffs, balancing-out their yearly $150-200 billion in natgas purchases from others (read: Russia, Iran/Qatar, et al). My geostrategic, ‘spider-sense’ seismometer took a leap on the spool.
You see, trade in energy is absolutely critical to global maintenance of the “Petrodollar Imperium”; something I detailed years earlier in these 2 op-ed pieces from 2020, The Petrodollar Imperium Explained, and its Part Two. This is why I firmly believe Trump has made a deal with the US Deep State.
A little history here: for all practical purposes the US Deep-State was technically created on Saturday July 26, 1947, and in a damn big hurry. President Truman signed the bill creating the enterprise, while waiting on the tarmac at DC’s National Airport (now Reagan National), aboard his presidential airplane, the Sacred Cow. The Cow had been suddenly delayed from carrying Truman to his mother’s deathbed back in Independence, Mo. Unfortunately, after all the protocols concluded, he didn’t make it back in time.
The hurry to get things done included 2 biggies: creating the US Air Force as a standalone entity, and creating the Central Intelligence Agency. A critical factoid some historians link to strange events happening 3 weeks earlier in America’s southwestern desert, near her only atomic bomb flight command at Walker AFB, in Roswell, New Mexico.
At any rate, the American Deep-State has a birthday, and it wasn’t nicknamed this until senior congressional staffer, Mike Lofgren, labeled it as such in an interview with Bill Moyers in early 2014. Lofgren first used the term, one frequently attributed by historians to the workings of the Ottoman Empire from 1299-1922 AD. Lofgren’s moniker stuck.
Now Mr. Trump has made a deal with ‘em. They didn’t like the guy originally, but have since warmed up to his concept of multi-polarity, in a post Cold War world. As they both know, the longer you keep the dissipating US Dollar afloat in the world system, the easier a transition to that multi-polar world (on America’s terms) will be. And quite frankly, the Deep-State’s incredibly sad bench of political weenies from ‘Planet Woke’ weren’t up to the task. Mr. Putin, Mr. Xi, Mr. Modi & Co. could do rings around ‘em.
Not the Trumpster; Oh Hell No.
Sellers is a Southpark, Roosevelt-Republican (TR) living in incorporated Oro Valley; his background is federal technology commercialization, and administers the private group, Tucson E-P-T News, on Facebook
Question for Bill Sellers: Are you the reincarnation of John McCain? Reading your article is no different than reading some leftist gibberish straight out of the Phoenix New Times.
I don’t agree with you at all, but I have got to hand it to you – you’ve got balls.
Bravo Bill. Keep telling it like it is.
Really, Bill? Selling our energy BAD? So we screwed up not voting for Kakala? Yup, got it.
I will bet there is a correlation with the ” Deep State” and the infiltration of communism into America.
Moronic Bill. TDS loons (like you clearly seem) said for years there is no Deep State, now you accuse Trump of making a deal in some nonsense screed with no facts?
This site should be ashamed printing this
Clearly you’ve never read any of my stuff, esp the 9 pieces since 2019 that were directly on, or referenced Trump. You must be a Dimshevik troll.
Haha Truth hurts. It was an election year, if you supported Trump you could point to 15 articles from last year easy. Oro Valley Roosevelt Republican, what a joke
Teddy Roosevelt WAS a Republican, dumb ass.
woke up to woke just in time… ? its not over till its over, but it woke be long 🙂
Interesting read of the deep state theory – I think it deeper yet – WWII being on Truman’s watch – was when WWII catalyzed the substrate of the war ISRAEL – it’s what changed after the war. ISRAEL was again a nation after 2000 years – with much of the world trying to destroy that nation ever since. That is EVIL in action against the Jewish State. Still is.. will be till it catalyzes end times, which is has – interesting time to be alive – like none other before it – except the time of NOAH – when much was the same – only this time after rapture will be the return of Christ to earth & Israel on the Mt. of Olives where he will again set foot.
one significant ‘other thing’ those taken in the rapture will be the ‘saints'(believers) that will be standing on a sea of glass – the rapture – a rescue in the last second – will in the blink of an eye transition – ‘never taste death’ boink – they are then playing the harps of God singing a song of praise and righteousness.. no end – just a new beginning for them in one millisecond. All Aboard!!! Not a train you want to miss…