Hobbs’ Budget Called “Burdensome” And Concerning

Governor Katie Hobbs

On Friday, Governor Katie Hobbs released her FY2026 Executive Budget, raising concerns about its failure to invest in critical efforts to secure the border, support working families, and help Arizonans thrive.

Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives Steve Montenegro called the proposed budget burdensome when it comes to taxpayers.

“While we share a commitment to improving the lives of Arizonans, the Governor’s budget proposal as presented raises concerns about parental choice, fiscal responsibility, public safety, economic growth, and the undue burdens it places on the backs of taxpayers,” said Montenegro. ““Our House Republican Majority remains focused on policies that support hardworking families, encourage job creation, and strengthen Arizona’s future.

Still, Montenegro said he did “look forward to working together” with the Governor on a “serious and responsible budget.” He concluded that it is “clear that there is a long way to go.”

Hobbs claims that her budget reflects her “commitment to continuing our strong economic growth, lowering costs, keeping communities safe and securing the border, and protecting Arizonans’ fundamental freedoms.”

However, Hobbs failed to “explicitly fund” Proposition 314, a voter approved measure that requires state police and border patrol agents to use the e-verify program to determine immigration status if they have “probable cause” to believe they are in the country illegally.

If the subject is in the country illegally local police can arrest them and a state judge can order deportation. The proposition also makes it a Class 6 felony for those who submit false information or documents and it raises the sale of fentanyl to a Class 2 felony if the sale results in the death of another person.

Prop. 314 passed with almost 63% of the vote, according to the Secretary of State.

“Hobbs has never had any commitment to border security or related public safety, so her language is an absolute joke,” said one Capitol lobbyist who watches public safety measures, “She has always opposed border security and enforcing immigration laws and she still does. But she does have an election coming up so now she pays them lip service.”

Hobbs is also continuing her long-standing attacks on school choice. Hobbs is determined to cut Arizona’s school choice program, known as Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs), this time by placing income restrictions on families.

Hobbs has claimed that ESAs have caused budget issues due to its popularity. However, according to education expert, Matt Beienburgh with the Goldwater Institute on X.com, ” Arizona state budget is facing a $500M+ SURPLUS for this upcoming year… So when can AZ’s 80k+ ESA families expect their apology after being blamed for ‘bankrupting’ the state by Gov. Hobbs and anti-school choice activists?”

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  1. Democrats: Muh Democracy!
    Voters: 63%
    Democrats: OMG, that’s not democracy, though.

  2. What can you expect from the Governor who ran her election campaign like a mole, popping her head out of her hideaway only long enough to make an occasional statement to the press (no questions, please)? Her connection to the real world is tenuous. To her, no money is needed for things whose existence she denies (the crisis at the border) or enforcement of laws she doesn’t like (Prop 314, ESA & etc).

  3. E-verify ; an interesting issue ; so if you get in an accident, not your fault, you’re illegal, you have required insurance etc. the other party is impaired (citizen) your ejected and fined? I’m anti-illegals entering ; I’m anti-illegal criminal activity – from no taxes paid (where does the money that they pay from a ‘false document job’ go? The employer keeping it – or the fed / state – keeping it? ) Illegal in good standing? Is that tax, the fee for remaining? It appears it already may be.. is that bad? When it comes to state / fed benefits it does seem to cross the fence? Good / Bad – $ in the fund, no fund for them. Maybe a program – enroll as an illegal – do a crime ; your gone ; pay your taxes etc. be a no illegal in good standing; give them a 10 year (get your ducks in a row) test time… at which time you can apply for citizenship. A fine of sort for illegal entry. But an option to those here now. Dreamer ‘kids’ welcome. Parents – fall into this program.

    • Trade the citizenship for permanent residency, and I could live with that. I would only extent the offer of citizenship to those who go about it the right way, start to finish.

  4. ‘Still, Montenegro said he did “look forward to working together” with the Governor on a “serious and responsible budget.”’
    I wish you luck Speaker Montenegro in your attempt to negotiate with a Governor that, IMHO, isn’t serious or responsible.

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