Germany and Britain Play Woke-a-Dope

They are committing economic and cultural suicide by their woke policies on immigration and other issues


Just about every evening, my wife and I are on suicide watch. You see, we watch DW News out of Berlin and then BBC News out of London. On full display are the reasons why the two nations and much of the rest of Europe are slowly committing economic and cultural suicide.

The news anchors, reporters and guest commentators come across as sophisticated, educated, openminded, cultured, and cosmopolitan—well, at least for a couple of minutes. Then, their true nature begins to show through, revealing their unoriginality, ideological conformity, identical worldviews, groupthink, and smugness.

They are as uniform in their thinking and just as programmed as newscasters in the former Soviet Union, but with better haircuts, teeth and clothes.

It becomes clear that they have bought into multicultural mumbo jumbo and are guilt-ridden about their white privilege and history of colonialism and imperialism. Worse, Germany has the additional original sin of Nazism, and Britain has its original sin of slavery.

As a result, DW and BBC borrow a page from Muhammad Ali’s rope-a-dope and engage in woke-a-dope. Demonstrating their woke bona fides, they not only allow their former colonial subjects to pummel them for the injustices of colonialism, imperialism, slavery, and Nazism, but they pummel themselves.

Unlike Muhammad Ali, however, they never punch back, but it’s not for a lack of worthy targets. There are hundreds of nationalities, races, skin shades, and ethnocultural groups outside of Europe with a history of conquering, colonialism, oppression, slavery, brutality, genocide, and other injustices. If Europeans deserve to be pummeled, so do these non-Europeans.

One of the worthy targets, the former Ottoman Empire, subjugated much of the Middle East from its strategic location next door to Europe. Its successor, the state of Turkey, is not only on the doorstep of Europe but is a member of NATO. It refuses to apologize for its genocide against Armenians.

Another worthy target, the former Mongol Empire, extended its bloodshed into Europe. Yet contemporary Mongolians don’t feel guilty about this history. Instead, they celebrate it by visiting the tourist attraction of the 130-foot-tall statue of Genghis Khan on horseback in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Still another worthy target are the Hindus and Muslims who have been at each other’s throats for centuries on the Indian subcontinent, which of course was the location of the British Raj.

The list of worthy targets goes on . . . and on and on and on.

The most visible evidence of the German and British guilt trips and apology schticks is the great care that DW and BBC take to have the proper mix of colors, races and cultures in their newsrooms. No doubt, the diversity is contrived and forced, instead of being natural, organic and free-range, as it is in my extended family.

If my firsthand experience with global corporations is representative, then someone or some department in the respective hierarchies of DW and BBC is responsible for racial bean counting, making sure that there is the right percentage of white beans, black beans, garbanzo beans, pinto beans, and kidney beans.

It’s doubtful that Al Jazeera is into racial bean counting.

The following words are verboten on DW and BBC to describe themselves and their political comrades: left, left-wing, extreme left, socialist, communist. The following words are not only allowed but encouraged to describe their political and philosophical opposites: right, right-wing, extreme right, fascist.

The words in the first group aren’t spoken, even though there are communist parties in Europe, even though some Germans still long for the former East Germany, even though tens of millions died at the hands of Reds on the continent, and even though the German and British political establishments are decidedly statist and want the reach of the government’s monopoly on power to extend way beyond the protection of life, liberty and property.

Oh, and let’s not forget that Hegel and Karl Marx were native sons of Germany and that their thinking still pervades the German intelligentsia. At the same time, the thinking of Hume, Locke and Adam Smith no longer pervades the British intelligentsia.

The words in the second group are spoken with alarm in DW and BBC newscasts, as if the sound of jack boots can be heard in the street outside the newsroom. The alarm can be triggered by something seemingly innocuous, such as someone or some group questioning Germany’s or Britain’s immigration policies. That instantly labels them as not only right-wing extremists but also as racists and supremacists.

The DW and BBC cadres have the gall to smear as fascist even those who have legitimate concerns about an influx of Islamofacists who don’t hide their hatred of liberal democracy, civil liberties, homosexuals, feminists, and Jews. The world is upside-down when anti-fascists are called fascists and real fascists are not called fascists.

It’s another example of woke-a-dope: Although there are approximately two billion Muslims in the world, the European intelligentsia consider them to be a minority group.

As such, in keeping with woke doctrine, they can do no wrong and have a right to pummel the Christian majority.

An aside: In the U.S., my “race” of Italian is not considered a minority, but the “race” of Hispanic is, although there are over 60 million Americans of Hispanic descent, versus 18 million of Italian descent. By not being labeled as a minority group, Italians are excluded from DEI initiatives. It’s only fair, you know.

The courageous essayist and thinker Heather Mac Donald touched on Germany’s woke thinking about immigration in a recent 7,000-word commentary in City Journal. The article documents the massive number of migrants and the associated terrorist attacks, crime, welfare costs, and impact on German culture. It also reveals how the German government has joined with the German media and other key institutions in trying to silence, marginalize and demonize the AfD Party for its populist stands on immigration, the Ukraine war, and other issues. Among other slurs, the party has been portrayed as fascist and in bed with Putin—when, if anyone was in bed with Putin, it was former Chancellor Angela Merkel.

There are certainly bad actors in the party, as there are in leftist parties, but the establishment seems clueless about the reason for the party’s popularity: the establishment’s arrogance, tone deafness, and fascist-like and Soviet-like censorship of speech.

Which brings us to Angela Merkel’s 736-page memoir, “Freedom.” The former German chancellor tries to show how wise she was over her 13-year reign, but conditions in Germany say otherwise. Her climate policies have hurt Germany’s competitiveness and manufacturing prowess, her cozying up to Putin has backfired, her social spending is unsustainable and has resulted in deteriorating infrastructure, and her immigration policies have caused divisiveness and a political backlash.

Merkel defends her immigration policies as humanitarian, and as such, it is irrelevant to her whether or not migrants had a right to stay in Germany. Under her policies, an average of 400,000 immigrants entered the country each year, causing Germany to spend as much on them as it does on defense. Unsurprisingly, she is adored by DW News.

The situation is similar in Britain and in the BBC newsroom.

Britain, Germany and other Western nations will end up on the ropes if they keep playing woke-a-dope and not hitting back at those who want to destroy them.

Mr. Cantoni can be reached at

About Craig J. Cantoni 71 Articles
Community Activist Craig Cantoni strategizes on ways to make Tucson a better to live, work and play.


  1. These are bleak times in Europe, indeed. However, given that Hume, Locke, Smith, Luther, Lessing, & Kant all sprang from these same misdirected countries hope for more liberty-minded days springs eternal.

  2. A very good post, Mr. Cantoni. Not much to disagree with here. I too watch the broadcasts and websites of DW, BBC, and France24. They are hopeless bastions of misplaced guilt and strict adherence to socialist policies. But it’s the rest of Europe that interests me most, because the Eastern European nations are doing a pretty good job of building their economies and militaries. The Nordic nations of Sweden, Finland, and Norway alone would give one hell of a fight if Russia invaded. Taking the atomic bomb off the list of possible future wars – use of those = SUICIDE – Britain is safe because it’s unassailable. The real problem of Europe is demographics. They must stop Islamic immigration and grow their native’s birth rate.

  3. IMHO, the EU and UK are too far gone to ever recover. The UK arresting and putting people in jail for facebook posts is about the most idiotic thing I have ever seen or heard. The muslims are the children that need to be protected and allowed to do anything they want while the citizens of the EU and UK need to be taxed to pay for all the free services the invaders get. NATO is on the ropes too and my bet in the next three or four years there might be some sort of civil war in either the UK or EU and/or both will simply collapse.

  4. August 27 – 2017
    Israel – UN Amendment – 2334 – UN passed the measure.
    Israeli Settlements have no legal validity – including Jerusalem

    67 Borders ‘disallow’ Jerusalem

    “OBAMA” allowed the UN Measure to PASS

    This measure means Israel is an ‘occupier’ of West Bank

    “The UN will gather against ISRAEL to ‘take it from her’
    That measure is the first step to ARMAGEDDON

    Fast forward to 2024
    – Jerusalem is now the capital of Israel
    – the EU is falling apart is UN / NATO Members
    – The only thing now viewed as holding “Israel” as nation ‘IS THE SUPPORT OF THE USA’
    – The USA – destroyed – in Nuclear attack – in an hours time will allow these anti-Jewish nations to attempt the destruction of Israel *(Pending and those same nations are these same nations)
    – Will the UN leave the USA in the coming YEAR or TWO?
    These ‘next steps noted’ are the steps to Armageddon – AKA “The destruction of Mystery Babblyon. We now live in the times and they are as the days were in the time of NOAH.

    • Look up ‘Valley of Hamon-Gog’ to see what happens to all those nations that come up against Israel in that great war when these nations come against Israel

    • I think they learned one important lesson. The US is a pretty gullible nation. They learned the US can be tricked into providing their security needs for more than half a century before the US becomes debt-riden, and quits.

    • Ever hear the saying, “Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer.”? That is why one reads the socialist spitoons called state media.

    • American Lefties take their cues from European Lefties, and European Lefties take their cues from American Lefties. Many years ago, someone asked them, “How stupid can you get?”, and they took it as a challenge to out-do each other. It’s best to keep an eye on them.

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