Today I read two posts on a Facebook Ahwatukee group from the same person with updated information related to a car break-in that had her wallet with passport, credit cards, driver license and other items stolen.
Usually, this is a group of Ahwatukee local residents sharing information related to their life and needs. Politics is often prohibited or not encouraged. It is understandable that politics often causes controversial arguments. But, when politics is ripped off from the discussion, oftentimes it will blind to seek for deep thinking. This is the CCP style of self-censorship that doesn’t help learning and even worse it will encourage criminal activities.
This had rarely happened at least four years before or earlier. Ahwatukee used to be a “paradise” for families when Sal Diciccio was the elected Phoenix City Councilman, but in recent years I have seen the increase of criminal activities after it was turned into a blue community.
After checking the election results, in the 2024 election, all of the precincts in Ahwatukee voted for incumbent Congressman and former Mayor of Phoenix, Greg Stanton. The Ahwatukee residents need to evaluate how their votes have turned into an increasingly nightmare of crimes: In support of Greg Stanton, he had created the ghetto and ghost downtown Phoenix when he was the mayor, and then has deteriorated the public safety in his congressional district, especially in Ahwatukee since he became a Congressman.
Politically and broadly speaking, this is the consequences of open border policy for four years that will last for decades, which brings in theft culture from the 3rd world countries. Undoubtedly, Greg Stanton voted for the open border policies.
It has been common sense that elections have consequences. Believe it or not, after Ahwatukee turns blue, things have gotten worse and it could be even worse if you keep voting blue. This is the reality of politics even though you might say no politics as you can’t bury your head in the sand to believe politics has no place here in the group or in real life.
In fact, politics is all about life – life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
I am not going to blame the victim of the theft. To go a little bit about a specific case: Take a look back to a consequence of the election that is related to policies– Defund The Police – that created a hostile environment to recruit new police men or women to fill the vacancies, which has caused the shortage of police presence to patrol and deter the criminals in the community.
From a political logical point of view, when people say no politics or I don’t like politics, this offers the opportunity for something bad to happen in real life. As it is often said, “Freedom is not free.” Safety is not free without the rule of law and someone, as herein the police, enforces the law and order.
Public safety or community safety can’t be guaranteed if criminals are protected, encouraged and even supported from the policies with votes by the voters. It can’t be worse than sinking the boat while on the boat.
And yes, more people are not happy with their life now because of thieves everywhere after stealing the elections. If this opinion will trigger someone’s political nerves, I would like to do it like acupuncture. We just can endure the silence until more and more crimes create more victims.
I have never imagined the car break-in in San Francisco would be repeated here in Ahwatukee. But reality has taught us a costly lesson. If a place isn’t safe, sooner or later, it will spread everywhere. I hope this is a wake up call. Life is ourselves and once go left, nothing left.
How can you blind to politics?
I would expect grammar police. When I am struggling with English grammar, people are struggling with crimes and their loss. If I feel my writing terrible and dare not to send it out, it is self-censorship. But then I realize as long as it is 80-90% ok, why bother when I can connect the crimes to policies that are the culprits. At least I am not brain dead.
However, if you can police the community, the crimes might decrease. Then you don’t need to police my writing as I don’t have to write anymore.
I appreciate your courage in publishing this, knowing the elite grammar police will attack to deflect away from your core points. The fact that you are still mastering English suggests you haven’t been here for generations, making your love of country even more powerful. That is the real lesson. Keep fighting the good fight and keep loving Liberty.
the mode of entry – a substantial blunt force blast to the window – no car alarm blaring ? looks more like an attack from a disgruntled….. choose your enemy to enter here . This from a stranger – I don’t think so. I’ve had my car entered – my area it’s street people ; spare change – a phone battery or charger – things that make immediate life easier. They found my bible and medical equipment – nothing else was disturbed. Fraud – tough – but preventable and controllable – act fast – things can be shut down quickly. We were able to catch the perp buying in Tucson when my wife purse was taken from a shopping cart! (Walgreen store) Watch your stuff – surroundings – people around you – remember now ‘the ice cream is on lock down’.
Yeah, this reads like a Chinese propaganda bot.
They’re tying regular criminal activity to one state representative. Even stating that the victim leaving their purse in their car with the passport wasn’t the issue! Don’t leave valuables in a car to be stolen. This author just missed the connections in the propaganda rant
His language is better than most Americans and better than all Democrats, because he tells the truth about vital public concerns, such as survival,
I agree his speech could be more descriptive, such as identifying the left as scumbags and the “s” word the president of Argentina used over and over to get elected in a landslide to restore a country ruined by the left.
This person needs both grammar and punctuation classes, along with instruction on how to construct a complete and understandable sentence.
???? That will solve the crime eh!
Based on the poster’s name I would guess English is not his first language. Give him a break.