Fontes Tells Maricopa County Voter, Candidate “Go F-Yourself”

Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes shocked fellow democrats when he attacked Nathan Schneider, telling him to “go f-yourself” on Facebook. Fontes, who is new to the job, lost his cool after Schneider complained about the Special Election ballot. Schneider is running for the House in LD13.

Schneider wrote:

I am looking at a Special Election ballot that was mailed out by Maricopa County.
It took me a while to find the election date, because it isn’t labeled.
On the green envelope, it says to “mail no later than 6 days prior to Election Day (noted on ballot).”
(Frustratingly, Arizona doesn’t have drop boxes, but that’s another issue.)
The ballot is written in both English and Spanish, but I find myself trying to read it in both languages. The only problem is that I can’t read Spanish.
I finally found a date on the ballot, but it isn’t identified. I’m just supposed to assume that November 7, 2017 is the “Election Day.”
I showed it to my mother and asked her to find the Election Day.
Immediately, she said that it was probably written somewhere else, on another form that I had received.
I explained to her that this was a test to see if she could find it. Her next comment was, “Wow, Arizona is really having some problems…”
After a few more minutes, she was finally able to locate November 7, 2017 on the ballot.
I asked her if she assumed this was the Election Day to which she replied, “Yes.”
The public should not be forced to make assumptions when voting.
Adrian Fontes doesn’t listen to me, but if any of you have his ear, maybe you could ask him why they are not labeling the Election Day on the ballot and making it more legible, easier to find, and easier to identify.
This is essentially the due date and something that should be taken very seriously.

Schneider and Fontes then went back and forth:

Adrian P. Fontes: Why did you delete my response Nathan Schneider?

Nathan Schneider: I do not tolerate condescension and rudeness. You will address me in a respectful manner or not at all. Your choice.

Adrian P. Fontes: How about you go F-yourself.
If you can’t handle a little social media heat, then don’t criticize.
…by the way, is your Mom also running your campaign? She seems to solve all your other problems.

Dave Thomas: Just wondering, Adrian, are you some sort of elected official? This seems like a pretty disrespectful way to speak to someone, social media or not. Seems like respect and a little bit of decorum would be a more reasonable approach.

Adrian P. Fontes: Dave Thomas, my response is not only appropriate but deserved. I had a prior response for Nathan Schneider which he chose to delete because I think he got his feelings a little hurt. If he wants to be in public office, he needs to stand-up. …and as f…See More

Janna May: Wow how inappropriate and immature can a grown man be! Stop bullying voters and learn how to handle yourself publicly. Talk about needing to take your own advice…look in the mirror Adrian! How about you answer the question and deal with the issue like a mature adult if you can handle it!

Adrian P. Fontes: …thin skin much?

Jessica Means: Ad hominem attack much?

Adrian P. Fontes:Adrian P. Fontes It will be hard to convince people to vote for you if you if you can’t handle a little ribbing..

Nathan Schneider: Low standards and unprofessional conduct by Arizona’s elected officials is exactly why we are having problems. Help raise the quality of discourse and lead by example.

Adrian P. Fontes: Nathan Schneider thin skin and deleting responses is the kind of cowardice which should disqualify you before you get any further.

Fontes continued his attack on his own Facebook page:

Adrian P. Fontes:

Passive Aggressive attacks on my staff will be met with fierce and perhaps naughty language.
Particularly if you should know better…

Schneider has an unusual social media history. According to the Arizona Capitol Times, Schneider “blamed a hacker for using his Facebook account Sunday to make an inflammatory comment about abortion on the social media site.” He claimed the “hacker must have also deleted the offensive remark, which he knew nothing about until asked about it today.”

The hacker did not do Schneider any favors however. His controversial Facebook post from 2016, in which he claimed “open carry is a form of terrorism and won’t last long.” Schneider’s proclamation was in response to Facebook “friends” discussing State Representative Mark Finchem’s nunchucks bill. Schneider posted a link to an article about Finchem’s bill with the hyperbolic comment: “Tea Partiers like Mark Finchem believe that the world would be a safer place if more people were like Bruce Lee.”

Schneider explained, “Bats are used to play baseball. Knives are used to cut meat and vegetables. Nunchucks are used to hurt people. See the difference?” Attorney, and member of the Mommy Lobby, Lisa Hudson responded, “I’ve never heard of anyone being beaten to death with a baseball bat, or stabbed to death with a kitchen knife. No, people always use implements for their intended purpose.”

According to the Capitol Times, Schneider’s abortion comment was “part of a thread on a Sacramento’s KCRA-3’s Facebook page where commenters were criticizing former Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, who now heads the California university system. The comment from Schneider’s account said that two men commenting in the thread were a “good argument for abortion. Simply mention these two idiots.”

“Schneider said that he was not aware of any other posts made by the alleged hacker and he has no idea who or why his account was allegedly hacked,” reported the Capitol Times. “Schneider said he is pro-choice because he feels it is not his place as a politician to make decisions on abortions for others. He said the comment was not appropriate for a politician’s Facebook page.”

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