Phoenix, Tucson Among Hottest Cities

Some of the most populated cities across the United States are also some of the hottest places to be during the summer with temperatures regularly climbing above 100 F.

Many cities don’t come close to the extreme heat experienced in Death Valley, California; however, the population in Death Valley is just a small fraction of that of many towns across the country.

From the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the deserts of the Southwest, here are 10 of the hottest cities across the United States that have a population over 250,000.

1. Phoenix

Phoenix is home to over 1.6 million people and regularly experiences some of the highest temperatures of any city across the country.

The temperature climbs above the 100-degree mark on a daily basis from the end of May through the middle of September. These blistering hot days are followed up by warm nights with the low temperature sometimes failing to drop below 90.

2. Las Vegas

Las Vegas is a popular tourist destination in the southwestern United States, but visitors may want to plan to visit areas with air conditioning during the summer months.

The city averages over 70 days a year with temperatures in the triple digits and has reached its all-time record high of 117 on several occasions.

People traveling to popular tourist destinations nearby, such as Red Rock Canyon or the Hoover Dam, should also expect to encounter extreme heat and should take the proper precautions to stay safe.

3. Tucson, Arizona

Tucson, Arizona, sits on the edge of the Sonoran Desert and is nearly as hot as Phoenix, located 100 miles to the northwest.

One of Tucson’s hottest summers in recent years occurred in 2013 when the city climbed into the 100s for 39 consecutive days, including all of June.

Monsoonal thunderstorms can provide temporary breaks in the extreme summer heat, but they can also kick up dust storms, called haboobs.

4. Riverside, California

While the cool waters of the Pacific Ocean help to limit temperatures along coastal areas of Southern California, areas father inland can experience much hotter conditions.

Riverside, California, approximately 50 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, has recorded triple-digit heat every month from April through October with an all-time high of 118. This is higher than the all-time record in Las Vegas and just a few degrees shy of the record high in Phoenix.

5. San Antonio, Texas

San Antonio is home to more than 1.5 million people and experiences long stretches with temperatures in the 90s during the height of summer.

On average, the city reaches the 90-degree mark more than 110 days out of the year, as well as several days in the low 100s.

August is the hottest month of the year in San Antonio with an average high temperature near 97, one of the highest averages across the entire country among major cities.

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