Extortion by Peter Schweizer
The Permanent Political Class has a system. They fashion laws that are vague and can be interpreted in many ways. Their lawyers write the laws so no one can understand them in order to advance their own interests without breaking existing laws. The book Extortion is a road map of how both political parties use the legal system to maintain permanent political control of our Government with money. Their tools and methods include fear, a tollbooth, an underground economy, milking enterprise, “pay me because you need me,” and families of both political parties are protected.
Author Peter Schweizer explains how the Permanent Political Class is able to ensure for control with political donations and appointments of politicians they can trust to various key legislative offices and committees. Refer to my November 27, 2017 Arizona Daily Independent book review Clinton Cash also by Peter Schweizer, where he exposes the methods used by the Clinton’s in using the Permanent Political Class to extort enormous wealth for themselves.
Schweizer’s Clinton Cash exposé is built on a basic principle that the lawyers primary job is to protect the Permanent Political Class family and not the client who has erred and facing potential legal charges. The book Extortion is a must read as the fake news media will never tell how money is lifted from the pockets of both big and small business enterprises. It appears our national electoral process has become contaminated by a politicized liberal ideology that is without ethics. Schweizer’s two books give a clear insight on how money has corrupted the liberal agenda. Fake news, hearsay and speculation has overpowered the presumption of innocence with money gained by extortion described by Peter Schweizer. The book Extortion tells the dark side of politics. The only way for our country to survive is for the voting public to closely watch the activities of their elected representatives and senators and be quick to create newsworthy voter blow-back of any wrong-doing. The fake news media has not been much help and needs to be kept in line.