Gosar Calls On Biden Administration To Release Report On Hate Crimes

Unreleased Report Finds No Evidence Online Speech Increases Hate Crimes

Rep. Paul Gosar on the phone with a constituent in 2018. [Photo via @RepGosar]

PHOENIX – Congressman Paul Gosar is calling on the Biden administration to release the latest National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) report which has found there is no evidence that freedom of speech leads to an increase in hate crimes.

The congressman says the “latest findings undermine false narratives claiming a correlation between internet speech and hate crimes. Nothing is more valuable than the truth as demonstrated by evidence.”

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), at the direction of Congress, completed the report which is an update to the 1993 “Role of Telecommunications in Hate Crimes” report.

Mysteriously, the new report is not available online. The 2021 report was obtained and published by Breitbart News. According to Breitbart, “Sources who were close to the drafting and approval process” say that “bureaucrats and establishment politicians with a vested interest in the ‘hate crimes’ panic are trying to suppress it, because its conclusions challenge popular media narratives alleging a rise in internet-inspired hate crimes.”

Gosar asserts that the report contains “critical data relevant to the public discussions regarding the actions by Big Tech to suppress speech.”


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“This week, I sent a letter to the NTIA demanding that the Department of Commerce release and publish the full 2021 NTIA report on its official website to provide full transparency to the American public,” said Gosar in a press release. “Americans deserve the truth about alleged internet inspired hate crimes. Unfortunately, the Biden Administration refuses to release this important report to the public, which concludes that ‘there is no evidence that electronic communications, including internet, cause hate crimes.’”

Gosar say the suppression of the report is “confounding” because the “data impacts daily public discussion in this country. Rather than hide its findings that freedom of speech on the internet does not contribute to a rise in hate crimes, the Biden Administration should make the report public.”

Evelyn Remaley, Associate Administrator, performing the non-exclusive functions and duties of the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information Administration National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA)
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20230

Subject: 2021 NTIA Hate Crimes Report

Dear Ms. Remaley,

I am writing you today regarding the most recent NTIA Hate Crimes Report from January 2021, which contains revisions for the previous 1993 report titled The Role of Telecommunications in Hate Crimes. The updated report comes to a similar conclusion as the 1993 Repo11, finding no evidence of a link between freedom of speech online and such crimes.

Inexplicably, while NTIA has placed the 1993 Report on its website, where it still may be found (https://www.ntia.doc.gov/legacy/reports/1993/TelecomHateCrimes1993.pdf), NTIA has failed to make the updated 2021 Report similarly available. I would like to better understand reasons behind withholding the 2021 Report’s valuable findings from the American people.

Hate crimes continue to be a relevant point of concern and discussion in American politics, and the public deserves to have access to reliable, contemporary information on the facts of the matter. While the 2021 Report’s findings may undermine common narratives touting a relation between internet free speech and hate crimes, nothing is more valuable than the truth as demonstrated by evidence.

My constituents deserve to know the facts regarding the prevalence of internet inspired hate c1imes and I request that you provide citizen access to the updated NTIA report on your official website. Please abide by all rules and regulations when completing this request and provide a written response update to my staff at rory.burke@mail.house.gov.

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