The 2024 primary election is over, but there are still some republicans that are not doing all they can to support the winners of the primary election against the democrat nominees, because their candidate did not win.
This is ill-advised, because in these days of extremely close elections even a handful of votes can make the difference between success and failure.
These republicans should adhere to Ronald Reagan’s precept that someone who agrees with us 80% of the time is our 80% friend, not our 20% enemy.
They should also pay close attention to what would happen if the democrats take control of the last republican bastion still standing, namely the state legislature.
At the Arizona Daily Independent we wrote about this in an article which may be read by clicking HERE
There you will find a list of bills that will become law around September of 2025 if the democrats take control of the legislature.
For your convenience we have reproduced that list of bills under appendices A and B at the end of this article. Please read them carefully before you fail to support republican candidates in November.
To remind republicans of the importance of this issue, many republican leaders are calling on their fellow republicans to forget their differences and get behind the republican winners of the primary election, even if those candidates were not their favorite or who they voted for.
One prime example of this effort is Bruce Ash’s recent open letter to all republican voters, which we are quoting here in its entirety:
August 5, 2024
Fellow Republicans,
We have all watched some of our favorite candidates lose in a primary. We understand the heartbreak of those losses. We also understand that in a constitutional Republic it is the people that get to decide who those representatives are. And the people have spoken.
As leaders in the party, we understand that not every candidate has the same advantages as others do. We also understand that without strong, and consistent support up and down the ballot the candidates that the shoes in the primary have little chance of winning in November.
We believe the system of allowing voters to choose our representatives is the best form of government possible. Ronald Reagan used to talk about the only places socialism works. Heaven where they don’t need it and where they already have it.
Letting Democrats win in November because our favorite didn’t win in a primary has real world consequences. At the top of the ticket, a Democrat win means that taxes go up, the border stays open, and government gets a whole lot bigger. Arizona, we have only a one seat majority in the state senate it and state house. Do you really believe that Governor Hobbs won’t use the Democrat majority in the state legislature to torpedo ESA’s? Here locally we know the misery that Democrat control has brought.
Bottom line, if some of us stay home or leave even one of the ballot bubbles blank for a Republican candidate, chosen by the voters to represent us, then a lot of pain will be shared by all. As former leaders of the Pima County party, we asked that you to unite behind ALL of the candidates that won in the primary. We know what a few hundred or even a few dozen votes can mean come the general election. We know that there are a lot more things that unite us as Republicans than our differences. We ask you to spread the word to your family, your friends, and your neighbors.
Respectfully,Bruce Ash, Arizona national committee man 2007-2020
John Munger, Arizona state party chair 1983-1985, Pima County Chair 2001-2004
Shelley Kais Pima County chair 2020-2022
David Eppihimer, Pima County chair 2016-2020
Bill Beard Pima County chair 2014-1016
Bob Westerman, Pima County chair 2009-2010
Judy White Pima County chair 2005-2008
Joe Paddington Pima County chair 1996-2000
Appendix A:
HB2259 | rent regulation; state preemption | Ortiz – Repeals Sections 33-1329 and 33-1416. Removes all restrictions on rent controls. Cities and counties are free to impose rent controls |
HB2336 | early ballot collection; limitations; repeal | Stahl-Hamilton – Amends ARS 16-513, 16-547, and 16-1005 Removes the prohibitions against ballot harvesting and ballot stuffing. |
HB2350 | voting centers; board of supervisors | Stahl-Hamilton – Enables unlimited increase in the number of voting locations. |
HB2362 | AHCCCS; undocumented individuals | Sandoval – Provides full AHCCCS healthcare benefits to illegal aliens.
“Allows a person who is unable to provide documentation verification of qualified alien status to apply for AHCCCS and be eligible for services”. |
HB2365 | immigration; law enforcement; repeal.. | Sandoval – Repeals ARS 11-1051, 13-1509, 13-2928, and 13-2929.
This effectively removes from state and local law enforcement any ability to assist in the enforcement of immigration laws. |
HB2397 | greenhouse gas programs; repeal prohibition | Crews – Repeals ARS 49-191, thereby enabling the establishment of greenhouse gas restrictions |
HB2398 | prohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory | Crews – Prohibits bump-fire and some other attachments. (NOTE: The Supreme Court recently ruled this prohibition unconstitutional) |
HB2422 | voter registration; same day | Terech – Both same-day and automatic registration create all sorts of election integrity problems. |
HB2423 | automatic voter registration. | Terech – Both same-day and automatic registration create all sorts of election integrity problems. |
HB2566 | firearm regulation; prohibition; repeal | Gutierrez – Repeals ARS 13-3108. This enables cities, counties, etc. to impose firearm restrictions, taxes, etc. beyond those imposed by the state. |
HB2671 | voter registration; college identification | Aguilar – Would make a college ID sufficient proof of US citizenship. |
HB2672 | minimum wage; increase | Aguilar – Would increase the minimum wage from $12/hr. to $18/hr. |
HB2761 | citizenship status; licensure; documentation | Sandoval – Repeals ARS 41-1080, thereby removing the requirement that recipients of professional licenses show proof of lawful presence in the U.S. |
HB2809 | STO; income tax credit; repeal | Pawlik – Repeals ARS 43-1089.03. This terminates the tax credit for contributions to STO’s scholarships, which affects mostly low and middle income families. |
HB2840 | corporate income tax; minimum | Austin – Increases tax on INDIVIDUALS. Corporations do not pay taxes. They simply collect them in the form of higher prices and deliver them to the government taxing authority. |
HCR2020 | constitutional right to vote | Stahl-Hamilton – Amends article VII, section 2, AZ constitution. A Constitutional amendment to enable everyone 18 or older to vote, including illegal aliens and convicted felons. |
HCR2043 | expenditure limitation; school districts | Pawlik – Amends Article IX, Section 2 of the AZ Constitution to increase the number and amount that is excluded in the calculation of the Aggregate Expenditure Limitation. |
SB1094 | automatic voter registration | Pawlik – Both same-day and automatic registration create all sorts of election integrity problems. |
SB1193 | automatic voter registration; same day | Mendez – Both same-day and automatic registration create all sorts of election integrity problems. |
SB1225 | energy measuring; reporting; prohibition; repeal | Mendez – Repeals ARS 9-500.36 and 11-269.14. This allows counties and cities to measure energy use and impose energy diets. |
SB1244 | permanent early voting list | Sundareshan – Makes it nearly impossible to remove names from the early voting list, regardless of how many times they fail to vote. Creates an environment ripe for fraud. |
SB1247 | ballot delivery; collection | Sundareshan – Removes the prohibitions against ballot harvesting and ballot stuffing. |
SB1331 | greenhouse gas programs; repeal prohibition. | Sundareshan – Repeals ARS 49-191, thereby enabling the establishment of greenhouse gas restrictions by cities, counties, etc. |
SB1421 | duty to retreat; repeal | Hernandez – Removes this language from ARS 13-405: “A person has no duty to retreat before threatening or using deadly physical force pursuant to this section if the person is in a place where the person may legally be and is not engaged in an unlawful act”. |
SB1422 | felony murder; repeal | Hernandez – Repeals the portion of ARS 13-751 that deals with requiring death or life imprisonment in cases of first-degree murder. |
SB1427 | immigration; law enforcement; repeal. | Hernandez – Repeals ARS 11-1051, 13-1509, 13-2928, and 13-2929.
This effectively removes from state and local law enforcement any ability to assist in the enforcement of immigration laws. |
SB1529 | biological sex; team designations; repeal. | Alston – Repeals ARS 15-120.02. Effectively eliminates the protection of girls’ sports from being disrupted by allowing boys to participate in the same events. |
SB1537 | state law; local violation; repeal. | Mendez – Repeals ARS 41-194.01. This removes the prohibition against counties and cities acting in violation of state law. |
SB1539 | voting; ranking; ballot format | Mendez – Enables and mandates Rank Choice Voting |
SB1542 | single family residence purchases; limitations. | Mendez – Imposes severe restrictions on the ownership or purchase of single-family homes by corporations. Exempts housing authorities from the same regulations. |
SB1545 | national popular vote; interstate agreement | Mendez – Will circumvent the electoral college system. Will remove the last vestige of the United states being a federal republic. |
SB1547 | repeal; right to work | Mendez – Repeals ARS 23-1302. Removes the rights of workers to obtain employment without being forced or intimidated into joining a union. Contingent upon voter approval of SCR1032 |
SCR1009 | expenditure limit; local revenues; exception | Marsh – Amends Article IX, Section 2 of the AZ Constitution to increase the number and amount that is excluded in the calculation of the Aggregate Expenditure Limitation. |
SCR1031 | environment; constitutional amendment | Mendez – Amends Article II of the AZ constitution to extend constitutional rights to the environment. |
SCR1032 | right to work; repeal. | Mendez – Repeals article XXV of the AZ constitution. Removes the rights of workers to obtain employment without being forced or intimidated into joining a union. |
SCR1033 | voting age; sixteen years | Mendez – Amends Article VII, Section 2 of the AZ constitution by making several changes to the text, including changing the minimum voting age from 18 to 16. This would add a block of high school students to the voter rolls. Most of these students do not have the maturity to vote responsibly, but that is exactly the goal, namely to have a group of voters controlled by government school teachers. |
(*) While going through these bills, readers will notice some duplications. Duplicate bills are introduced for a variety of reasons, but are always a sure indication of their high priority status to those who introduce them. That is why they are listed here.
Appendix B:
Most Democrat bills have been introduced every year, but not all. Here are some bills that were introduced in 2023, but not in 2024. They are also very likely to be introduced and enacted in 2025 if democrats win.
HB2153 | presidential preference election; independent voters | Pawlik – Increases the ability of bad players to do mischief regarding elections. |
HB2180 | firearm purchases; waiting period; offense | Longdon – Three day waiting period. Violation is a class 6 felony |
HB2181 | firearm dealers; firearms transfers; requirements | Longdon – Five pages of new regulations for firearm dealers. Makes very difficult to buy a firearm |
HB2182 | firearm sales; transfers; background checks | Longdon – Background checks are only part of this 3-page bill. It PROHIBITS the sale of a firearm unless it is done by a licensed dealer. |
HB2527 | transportation tax; Maricopa county; election | Sun – A 27-page bill that repeals several statutes dealing with restrictions on local governments to impose new taxes. |
HB2782 | universal ESAs; budget; line item. | Schweibert – Targets funding of ESA’s as a line item, to make it easier to remove or veto. |
SB1231 | repeal; results-based funding; schools; appropriation | Marsh – Repeals ARS 15-249.08. Removes a major incentive for government schools to improve performance. |