So after 2 swings and 2 misses (ex-UA Prez Hart & Robbins), the demotion of its Chairman, i.e. the ever-slippery Fred P. DuVal, Esquire, and the recent appointment of a prominent whitecollar crime attorney, Lee Stein, to watch ‘em all…. ABOR* finally decides to do the right thing.
They hire, after virtually no other selections & interviews, a no-nonsense Indian tech-guy, Dr. Suresh Garimella, Phd.
Dr. Garimella, with expertise in things aerospace related from that industry’s #1 university, Purdue, is a degreed mechanical engineer. That background should come in handy if UA can clean up its act, i.e. trying to employ most of Tucson, stop with its failing med-biotech nonsense, and get prepared for a serious American pivot to the Pacific, as well as Tucson’s other natural advantage: the future space-based economy.
For these coming battles I suspect Dr. Garimella is fully accustomed.
For the last 5 years, he’s been fighting the sinecured, Hard-Left bozo-class of atavistic regressives at the University of Vermont. And not without some success, there in Ben & Jerry’s, and Bernie Sanders’ Kingdom of the Pampered Snowflakes; a trustbaby nightmare-landscape of unfulfilled entitlement.
For the preppie socialists in Vermont, our new UA Warrior Garimella was considered Lucifer-Reeking-of-Turmeric, as evidenced by this hysterical 2021 headline, “Thousands Voice No Confidence in Garimella as…..”
Compared to that extended and brutal Vermont baptism of fire, UA should be a cakewalk.
So welcome to the desert Dr. Garimella, contact me anytime.
And just to bring you up to speed, here’s a list of my ADI ‘missives from the wilderness’, the last ~5 yrs on UA:
How Arizona Beats Its Water Curse & Creates a Global Tech Industry
Writ Large: UA Is The Tucson Left’s “Milkcow”
UA: The Tucson Beast Eating Arizona’s Budget
UA’s “Institutional Capture” of Tucson: Vast Bloat Hiding in Plain Sight<
Sonora Awakens; Discovers Pacific Rim
AZ’s Water Crisis: Textbook Doom & Gloom Socialist Powergrab
Note to Legislature: Fixing the University of Arizona, the Short Form
Chomsky, Epstein, Wilbur? What UA Gets Away With Continues to Baffle & Amaze
AZ Legislature: Rein-In Your Feral University and Its AWOL Regents
Tucson-UA Left’s Clever Scheme Scams Taxpayers Out of a $9-Fig. Land Parcel
Tucson & UA: “Change Agents? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Change Agents!”
My Letter to ABOR Regarding Their Selection of a New UA Prez
*ABOR: Arizona Board of Regents
Sellers is a Southpark Republican living in incorporated Oro Valley; his background is federal technology commercialization
I talked wit a UofA alum who lives in rural VT about the new hire. His response was “good riddance.” He laso said the guy may know how to pinch pennies but he is as woke and rotten to the core as can be.
Rotsa Ruck Charlie!!!