“For me, the type of uniform they were wearing is irrelevant. The message should simply be that our women are not for sale, to anybody, and if you try to buy one, you’re going to jail. Exploitation of another person is not OK. And abusing a power relationship is exploitation.” ~ Tucson City Councilman Steve Kozachik
When Tucson City Councilman Steve Kozachik wrote those words in an op-ed in the Arizona Daily Star, he spoke for all who understand that prostitution is not a victimless crime.
As you read through the DPS report, images begin to haunt you. The organizational chart included in each search warrant request shows thumbnail snapshots of the merchandise… the merchandise. Think about that for a minute. People as merchandise.
In this day and age – in this exceptional country – we think nothing of people as merchandise?
Just last week, Backpage.com sought and secured an injunction against Cook County Sheriff Dart, who convinced Visa and Mastercard to refuse merchant services for those merchandising human beings. Unashamed, and in the name of the First Amendment, Backpage will continue to facilitate the sale of women, young men, and children.
In this day and age – in this exceptional country – we allow the sale of people?
As politicos speculate over who – and who is not – on the list, in an effort to cast a bad light on opponents in these upcoming election years, they only cast a bad light on themselves. Don’t talk about the “War on Women” or “Family Values,” while ignoring the fact that the war on women is waged every day by the soulless on both sides of the aisle that have absolutely no family values.
In his op-ed, Kozachik writes, “Prostitution is not a victimless crime. The women and girls involved are exploited physically, chemically and psychologically. It’s not a harmless activity in which two people choose to swap cash for a good time.” The DPS report reveals the inner workings of a violent world devoid of decency.
There are real victims. Look at them. They look like your sister, daughter, cousin, friend. If we turn away – if we write them off as less-than – if we dismiss them as those people – if they are nothing more than images on a page – in a report that will wind up in a round file – our community is hopeless and no politician can save us.
Related Articles:
Backpage.com Wins Injunction Against Sheriff
Visa, MasterCard Say “We’re Not Buying” To Backpage.com
Informant Claims Pima GOP Official Involvement In Prostitution Investigation