A Tucson Sector Border Patrol agent Jed Eckler, from the Brian A. Terry Station reunited this week with the 2-year-old boy to whom he rendered life-saving first aid.
Border Patrol Agent Jed Eckler was on his way home from work on January 17, 2018, when he encountered a family pulled alongside the roadway with a 2-year-old in medical distress. Agent Eckler administered Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation on the unresponsive boy until he regained consciousness and began breathing. The boy was transported to an area hospital and has since been released.
The family of the toddler, residents of Naco, Sonora, Mexico visited the Brian A. Terry Station to reunite with Agent Eckler and express their gratitude for his heroic actions. They were accompanied by Naco, Sonora Mayor Lorenzo Villegas-Vasquez. This was the first opportunity for the agent and family to speak since the incident. Agent Eckler, who is assigned as a canine handler, presented the 2-year-old boy with a Border Patrol K-9 plush toy.
“Jed Eckler embodies the selflessness and dedication that agents demonstrate to provide safety and security in any situation they face,” said Brian A. Terry Station’s Patrol Agent in Charge Michael Hyatt.