Competing renewable energy mandate legislation will appear on the ballot this fall. You can read about them in two Arizona Daily Star stories:
- Arizona utility APS crafts renewable-energy initiative with escape clause
- Arizona Senate puts utility-written renewable energy plan on ballot
Neither addresses the real issue: electricity produced from utility-scale solar and wind is unreliable, expensive, plays havoc with electrical grid stability, and is not as green as advertized. Rather than play with tricky fixes, the Arizona legislature should repeal the Arizona Corporation Commission’s renewable energy mandate and forbid the ACC from mandating how electricity is generated. I can find no place in the Arizona Constitution nor in the Arizona Revised Statutes that gives the ACC authority to impose such mandates.
See these ADI articles for more detail:
- Five reasons Arizona should repeal its renewable energy standards mandate
- Can we afford electricity from wind and solar generation?
The more installed solar and wind capacity per capita a country has, the higher the price people pay for electricity.
Political correctness versus science:
The alleged rationale for these mandates is that we must reduce carbon dioxide emissions to forestall dread global warming. But, there is no physical evidence that emissions from fossil fuels play a significant role in driving global temperature. See these ADI posts for more detail:
A Simple Question for Climate Alarmists
“What physical evidence supports the contention that carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels are the principal cause of global warming since 1970?” I posed that question to five “climate scientist” professors at the University of Arizona who claim that our carbon dioxide emissions are the principal cause of dangerous global warming. Yet, none could cite any supporting physical evidence.
Evidence that CO2 emissions do not intensify the greenhouse effect
The “greenhouse” hypothesis of global warming makes four major predictions of what we should see if the “greenhouse effect” is intensified by adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. All four predictions are shown by physical evidence to be wrong.
What keeps Earth warm – the greenhouse effect or something else?
An alternative hypothesis with observable evidence.
Failure of climate models shows that carbon dioxide does not drive global temperature
Results from climate models based on the assumption that carbon dioxide controls global temperature diverge widely from reality.
Climate change in perspective
An overview of climate history
The 97 percent consensus of human caused climate change debunked again
The fake climate consensus
Readers, please bookmark this post for future reference and petition state legislators to repeal the ACC renewable energy mandate.
Note to readers:
- Index with links to all my ADI articles:
- My (newly updated) comprehensive 30-page essay on climate change:
- A shorter ADI version is at
- If you like murder mysteries, type the name Lonni Lees (my wife) into Amazon or Barnes & Noble sites to see her novels, a book of short stories, and reviews. For synopses and more reviews of her books see: