Arizona Daily Independent headlines Feds investigating Pima County’s administration of 3 federal-aid projects October 30, 2014 ADI Staff Reporter
Arizona Daily Independent headlines Parraz ballot harvesting defense leads to resurfacing of old charges October 30, 2014 ADI Staff Reporter
Arizona Daily Independent headlines Forest thinning may increase runoff and supplement our water supply October 29, 2014 Jonathan DuHamel
Arizona Daily Independent headlines LaFaro challenges CBA ballot harvester to take lie detector, Parraz visits GOP October 28, 2014 ADI Staff Reporter
Environment/Nature British study shows wind power generates only 2 percent of rated capacity October 28, 2014 Jonathan DuHamel
Arizona Daily Independent headlines Goddard not surprised that the empire strikes back October 28, 2014 R Roth
Arizona Daily Independent headlines Moody’s downgrades Rio Nuevo’s bond rating October 28, 2014 ADI Staff Reporter
Arizona Daily Independent headlines Questions raised about Arizona ballot harvesting from nursing homes October 27, 2014 ADI Staff Reporter
Arizona Daily Independent headlines Brewer’s staff fires director of Dept of Administration October 27, 2014 ADI Staff Reporter