Congressman Ron Barber (D) was on the conservative circus with James T. Harris on 104.1 KQTH and defended the A-10 and Davis Monthan Air Force Base. Harris whom affectionately nicknamed Rep. Barber “Crispy Chicken,” because he looks exactly like the KFC dude was outdone yesterday when Rep. Barber or “Crispy Chicken” actually brought crispy KFC chicken to the interview.
When asked by Harris if he supported the A-10 for political reasons Barber responded, “I’ve been involved with Davis Monthan Air Force Base and the A-10 for a long long time even before I came into Congress when I was Congressman Gifford’s District Director. I had the responsibility for working with our Army, Air Force, and International Guard folks here in the area. Before that I was a kid I came here with my dad who was in the Air Force. We were stationed at DM I grew up on DM, met my wife there, I have special connection to DM.”
Barber explaining why he supports the A-10 said, “I was in Afghanistan a couple months ago the troops on the ground the Marines and Army that I met there said whatever you do go back and try to save the A-10. We worked together with a lot of folks on both sides of the aisle and we got it done.”
Barber has been widely appreciated by both sides for fighting on the frontline for the A-10. In the Armed Services Committee and throughout the entire House of Representatives he has had success because the A-10 saves lives. Barber told Harris, “Initially I thought it was going to be really hard to do, but as we got in the discussion it became apparent to me that members across both parties and across the spectrum politically really understand the importance of the A-10 and that is where we drew our strength.”
The Air Force and troops on the ground have different priorities. The A-10 originally designed for close air support after the Vietnam War proved we need a plane especially designed to protect our troops on the ground, but the Air Force, who has always preferred pretty expensive jets, doesn’t have an answer as to what would replace the A-10.
Barber told Harris, “When the Air Force has come to hearings in the House Armed Services Committee and we’ve asked them very pointed questions so if you are going to ground the A-10 what is going to give the troops the support they need? They are all over the place they say the B-1 bomber they say the F-16 they say the F-35 and the truth of the matter is not one of those platforms can provide the close air support the A-10 does.”
On Davis Monthan’s future Barber said, “I think there is certainly a danger in that and we need to make sure we do everything we can to preserve and continue those two missions and we need to be looking for new missions for Davis Monthan. I have already sent a letter to the Secretary of the Air Force saying look you got F-35s up in Phoenix and you’ve also got a lot of space that you need for those planes. Let’s bring some of those F-16s to Tucson, and I want to make sure we are holding on to the A-10 no question but we also have to be thinking about the future long term.”
A review of the Air Force inventory shows that there are not enough F-16s to bring to Tucson.
Harris received some pushback through social media from some who questioned his motives and accused him of placing ratings over party. Harris’s response was quick and to the point, “Ratings? Duh! Congressman Barber showed leadership on a national issue vital to our community and to our men and women in uniform! Plus, I dubbed the Congressman “Crispy Chicken” because he looks like Colonel Sanders. The fact that he showed up, in studio, with a bucket of KFC was classic! Ballsy! Get over yourselves!”
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